Accessibility Plan

2024 - 2027


 The Accessible Canada Act requires all federally regulated organizations to publish an Accessibility Plan that outlines how they will remove barriers to create a more accessible organization for all.

An Accessibility Plan must be published every 3 years. This is C.S. Day Transport Ltd.’s first plan outlining our strategy and commitments to removing barriers to accessibility in the seven priority areas outlined in the Act.

As required by the Accessible Canada Act, we will publish a progress report that measures our progress against our commitments. We will also review and update our Accessibility Plan every three years. Progress Reports and updates to this Plan will be shaped by consultation with persons with disabilities.



Refers to the needs of persons with disabilities being intentionally and thoughtfully considered when product, services, and facilities are built or modified so they can be used and enjoyed by persons of all abilities.


The Accessible Canada Act defines a barrier as “anything – including physical, architectural, technological, or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice – that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.”


The Accessible Canada Act defines a disability as “any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment – or a functional limitation – whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.”

Persons with disabilities

The term “persons with disabilities” is defined in the Employment Equity Act (EEA) as:

                “persons who have a long-term or recurring physical, mental, psychiatric or learning impairment and who

  1. Consider themselves to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment, or
  2. Believe that a employer or potential employer is likely to consider them to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment,

And includes persons whose functional limitations owing to their impairment have been accommodated in their current job or workplace.”


The Accessibility Plan Project Team at C.S. Day Transport Ltd. is responsible for the development and implementation of this Accessibility Plan in accordance with regulations under the Accessible Canada Act and Accessible Canada Regulations (Regulations). C.S. Day Transport Ltd.’s Human Resources department is responsible for the coordination, feedback process, and progress reporting on this Plan.

Our commitment to inclusion and accessibility incorporates a feedback process so employees and members of the public may share their comments and concerns with us. To provide feedback on accessibility, use one of the contact methods below. If you require support while providing feedback, let us know, and we will do our best to meet your needs. If you provide contact information, our Human Resources department is committed to responding in a timely manner and in the format that we receive it. You may also choose to provide feedback anonymously.


C.S. Day Transport Ltd. recognizes the importance that people with disabilities, employees, customers, visitors, and others play in helping us identify, remove, and prevent barriers.

Our Human Resources department is the designated recipient for all feedback, accommodation requests, etc.

To send feedback or request a copy of this Accessibility Plan or the Feedback form in an alternate format, you can contact us in the following ways:

Mailing address: 115 Henderson Drive, Regina SK   S4N 5W4


Telephone: 306-721-5966


Accessibility feedback form

 We will confirm that we have received your feedback in the same way it was received, except for anonymous feedback.

Progress Report

As required by the Accessible Canada Act, we will publish a progress report every year after the Accessibility Plan is initially published showing where we have made productive development regarding our commitments. We will review and update our Accessibility Plan every three years.

Executive Summary 

The Accessibility Canada Act (2019) requires that all federally regulated organizations publish an Accessibility Plan and C.S. Day Transport Ltd. is proud to share our first Accessibility Plan. Rooted in our company values of community, responsibility, and excellence, this plan expresses our commitment to adopting a barrier-free workplace that supports the full and equitable participation of persons with disabilities. Through consultation with Carla Harris, an accomplished Access Analyst and Writer, we have identified two key priorities and strategies to begin enhancing accessibility within our organization.

Our approach to accessibility has just begun in taking proactive steps to first address barriers in employment and the built environment, with plans to expand to other areas such as information and communication technologies, procurement, program design, and transportation. By considering accessibility needs during the creation of our policies, processes, and practices, we aim to develop an inclusive workplace culture where all employees and stakeholders can thrive.

Improving the built environment is a crucial focus area for this Accessibility plan, C.S. Day Transport Ltd. currently has extensive renovations to the company building in progress, with initiatives such as installing accessible parking, entrance sidewalks, and meeting room facilities to ensure mobility and comfort for employees and visitors with disabilities.

In the area of employment, we recognize the importance of accommodating candidates and employees with disabilities at every stage, from recruiting to professional development. To attract and retain diverse talent, we are enhancing our online recruitment platform and exploring a wider range of accommodation options for various roles within our organization.

Moving forward, C.S. Day Transport Ltd. remains committed to ongoing consultation, collaboration, and feedback for continuous improvements and ensure the effectiveness of this Accessibility Plan.

As we embark on this journey in building a more accessible organization, we recognize that progress requires persistence, collaboration, and unwavering devotion to our company values. This Accessibility Plan serves as a roadmap for our efforts over the next three years and beyond, reflecting our dedication to fostering an inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive, regardless of limitations.


Accessibility Statement

 At C.S. Day Transport Ltd., our commitment to accessibility is rooted in our values to community, responsibility, and excellence, which guide us to create a barrier-free workplace that will allow the full and equitable participation of Persons with Disabilities in all aspects.

We recognize that accessibility is an ongoing and central element of being an inclusive organization, hence why we are committed to continually improving our accessibility builds on our inclusive mindset and practices.

To be inclusive and accessible, we must strive to understand and meet the needs of those who experience barriers. For that reason, this Plan has been developed in consultation with employees who identify as experiencing barriers and with key external stakeholders, including organizations that serve persons with disabilities.

Through this Plan’s development, including consultation with an Access Analyst & Writer , we identified barriers and actions to improve accessibility in two of the seven priority areas under the Accessibility Canada Act. We have also looked to leading practices from other organizations, such as Trucking HR Canada to help identify other opportunities for improvement.

Our world is complex, and identifying and removing barriers that persons with disabilities face requires:

  • Open and honest conversations
  • Ongoing dialogue with key partners
  • Authentic and concrete commitments

Just as Rome was not built in a day, this Plan is the blueprint of our efforts to build an accessible organization for all over the next three years and beyond.


Addressing areas identified in the Accessible Canada Act



Accessibility must be ensured at every stage of employment. This means accommodations must be made available to candidates and employees upon request and accessibility should be embedded into policies, processes, and practices, including:

  • Recruitment
  • Employee onboarding
  • Modified work arrangements and equipment, where appropriate.
  • Professional development
  • Short- and long-term disability leaves
  • Return-to-work processes

The overall desired outcome for Employment is C.S. Day Transport Ltd. recruits, retains, and promotes persons with disabilities and offer timely workplace accommodations.


  • S. Day Transport Ltd. continues to face competition for employees and currently is not attracting enough applicants from underrepresented populations such as persons with disabilities.


  • Enhance the careers section of our website to increase visibility to Canadians with disabilities of the jobs available in the trucking sector, highlighting our commitment to their inclusion in our workforce.


  • There is a need to expand our understanding of the range and variety of accommodation options available to persons with disabilities interested in becoming truck drivers or industry support staff such as dispatchers, technicians, and businesspeople.


  • To expand our understanding of possible accommodations within all roles of the company, the most sensible action is to consult with an organization specializing in assisting persons with disabilities and employers in creating workplace accommodations. Organizations such as Sask Abilities can contribute valuable experience and knowledge for building possible accommodations into C.S. Day Transport Ltd.’s policies, procedures, and processes.


  • Due to the nature of trucking, options for accommodations are limited. There is a need to expand our understanding of the range and variety of accommodation options available to persons with disabilities.


  • Develop an outline to support managers’ understanding of their responsibilities in the accommodation process and guide them in supporting their employees and implementing suitable workplace adjustments.
  • Assemble a committee consisting of managers, drivers, persons with disabilities, and a disability accommodation consultant to assess and identify options for a wider range and variety of potential accommodations.
  • Management and finance determine and implement an accommodation budget to allow for assistive equipment such as lifts, steps, enhanced audio, illumination improvements, etc.


The Built Environment

The goal of the Built Environment area under the Act is to ensure all people can move freely around our premises.

C.S. Day Transport Ltd. facilities include our main office space and the company mechanical shop.


Some spaces within the Company’s office,  shop, and truck yard may limit the mobility of employees and visitors with disabilities and mobility limitations.


  • Ensure at least one meeting room is accessible from the main floor or provide lifts to additional floors for persons with mobility issues.
  • Install two accessible parking stalls with signage on the west side of the building.
  • Install a fully accessible entrance sidewalk at the main entrance with automatic push buttons to enter and exit the building.
  • Install one fully accessible water closet meeting all requirements of the National Building Code complete with an accessible shower.


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Technological tools used to send, store, create, share, or exchange information.


Communication Other Than ICT

This area requires that organizations provide barrier free access for the public, clients, and employees to all communications that the Company produces for this audience.


The Company does not have a consistent process to ensure alternate formats of communication that it issues to employees and other stakeholders are available and provided in a timely manner.


  • Identify service providers and develop contracts or agreements to create alternate formats, where appropriate and when needed.
  • When asked, we commit to providing the following alternate formats as soon as possible and within time frames listed in the Accessible Canada Regulations:
    • Print
    • Large print
    • Braille
    • Audio format
    • An electronic format that’s compatible with adaptive technology meant to help people with disabilities.

Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities

The Company must provide barrier-free access to the public, clients, and employees within the buying process.


Design and Delivery of Programs and Services

When designing and delivering the Company’s internal and external programs and services, accessibility considerations must be part of the process right from the start.


Currently there is no standard approach for ensuring all programs, processes, and services have taken accessibility into account.


  • Develop and promote guidelines on how to apply the accessibility lens when reviewing company policies, programs, and services.
  • Create an Accessibility Checklist to help ensure key accessibility considerations are considered.
  • Provide training on the Accessibility Canada Act and Accessibility Canada Regulations for those whose role is to develop programs, processes, and .


This includes any accessibility requirements with the use of vehicles to transport goods and/or people.


Entering a transport truck often poses a risk for drivers over time due to repetition and height of original truck steps. For individuals with motor related disabilities, getting into the cab may even be a barrier for doing their job effectively.


Budget for and carry a small inventory of extended tractor steps and/or folding steps which can reduce the climbing distance to get into the truck cabs.


To align with C.S. Day Transport Ltd.’s commitment to creating an accessible workplace environment for all, we have developed our Accessibility Plan in consultation with Carla Harris, Access Analyst & Writer.

We gathered feedback and input from our team members and external organizations through the following methods:

  • Engaging with external organizations supporting persons with disabilities to understand and seek recommendations for improving accessibility to the Company’s building space and yards and our programs and services. Organizations we consulted include:
    • Carla Harris Consulting

We will continue to support employees with accessibility needs and work towards developing and refining this Accessibility Plan, measure progress, and ensure that we realize the changes we’ve set out to achieve.

Get in touch

We`d love to hear from you

115 Henderson Drive, Regina SK   S4N 5W4 - Phone (306) 721-5966  -  Fax (306) 721-5965 - Email