At C.S. Day Transport Ltd. we value our customers and welcome feedback on the accessibility of our goods, services, and facilities. Your comments support us in improving accessibility at C.S. Day Transport Ltd.

Accessible formats and communication support are available upon request to enable all customers to provide feedback in a manner that meets their needs. To request an alternate format or support, please contact our Human Resources department at or 306-721-5966.

If negative feedback or a complaint is received, the company takes all reasonable measures to resolve the issue to prevent future occurrences. Where the customer’s contact information has been provided, the company will respond to the complainant to explain the measures that have been taken to correct the issue.


You are:

What are you providing feedback on:

Select all areas that are relevant to your concern:

Would you like to be contacted regarding your feedback?

115 Henderson Drive, Regina SK   S4N 5W4 - Phone (306) 721-5966  -  Fax (306) 721-5965 -Email